an evening with hilton carter
Monday, May 6th (6-8pm)
at The Coastal Succulent Design Studio
Join us for a special evening with plant and interior stylist, best-selling author, and artist Hilton Carter as he shares his expertise on plant propagation and signs copies of his just-released book The Propagation Handbook! Carter delves into best propagation methods, necessary tools, and different considerations by type of plant. Follow along as he demonstrates his own plant propagation methods and then learn expert tips and tricks as he opens the floor for your questions. Following his talk and demonstration, Carter will sign copies of The Propagation Handbook. The book will be available for purchase prior to and during this event.
Hilton’s Bio:
Hilton Carter is a plant + interior stylist, author, and artist. He has a loyal following on Instagram (@hiltoncarter), where he shares his knowledge of plant care and interior styling with the design and green loving community. As he explains in his best-selling book, Wild at Home: How to style and care for beautiful plants, his interest in plants started out as purely practical. Since then, he has written and photographed four other best sellers, Wild Interiors: Beautiful plants in beautiful spaces (April 2020), Wild Creations (April 2021), Living Wild (April 2023), The Propagation Handbook (April 2024), partnered with Target on three collections Hilton Carter for Target, and released his Guide to Houseplants workshops with the Magnolia Network.